Cold Servings

by David L. Burkhead

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Character Design

Tom Merrick

Age 25
Recently graduated from college with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Merrick works as a freelance writer, writing articles on a wide variety of topics under various pseudonyms.  However, his writing serves mainly to keep the bills paid.  Instead, the primary focus of his life is the fight against crime.

For fifteen years he's been preparing with single-minded devotion to that fight.  Now it's begun.  He has assumed no comic book codename, no animal theme or other motif, just the tools and weapons he believes will help him in is fight.  He accepts no rules except those he gives to himself.  While that puts him outside the law, fifteen years before the law had failed to protect the innocent, violating the first, and most important, of Merrick's self-imposed rules.

Character Design


Detective Justin King

Age 28
New Hotshot of the Aggravated Assault division of the Indianapolis Police Departments Criminal Investigation Branch (what most people think of as the Detective Division).  When a group of would-be burglars were found cable-tied to the security grating they had tried to remove, most thought it was simply the actions of a passerby acting as a "good samaritan." King thought it was something more.  An offhand comment by his friend and fellow police officer, Bill Kolm referred to the burglars own description of the person who attacked them as "Batman with a motorcyle helmet."

King believes the incident was the work of a vigilante getting his start in the city of Indianapolis.  If he's right, the vigilante must be stopped before he becomes a worse problem than the very criminals he's supposed to be attacking.

Character Design


Police Sergeant Bill Kolm

Age 39
A twelve year veteran when Justin King joined the force, Kolm served as his mentor while King was a rookie.  They remained friends ever since.

Character Design


Police Captain George Beachem

Age 43
Beachem is King's supervisor in the Criminal Investigations Division.

Character Design
I got tired of not having a good picture of her so I did these.

Of course, she's wearing her hair different here.
Character Design


Teresa Flynn

Age 22
Final year nursing student at Indiana Univeristy Purdue University Indianapolis, she has just met a writer of magazine articles who is trying his hand at fiction.  His questions about how a character in the wilderness, isolated from medical help, might treat himself for various injuries intrigue her.  She does not know that he might have more than one reason for those kinds of questions.

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